За прошлую пятницу и чуть-чуть понедельника я сложила еще одну кусудаму. На этот раз выбор пал на модель Тюльпан от Екатерины Лукашевой. Всего 30 модулей, достаточно простых и сборка тоже не вызвала особых сложностей. Самой большой проблемой оказалось аккуратно отогнуть лепески. Вроде бы мне это удалось, но пришлось немного помучаться :)
Last Friday and a little of this Monday I spent on making another kusudama. This time I selected Tulip model by Ekaterina Lukasheva. I've made 30 modules which were rather easy as well as the assembling them together. The only tough thing was to curl the petals carefully. I suppose I've managed with it but it took time and had a hard time with this.
Last Friday and a little of this Monday I spent on making another kusudama. This time I selected Tulip model by Ekaterina Lukasheva. I've made 30 modules which were rather easy as well as the assembling them together. The only tough thing was to curl the petals carefully. I suppose I've managed with it but it took time and had a hard time with this.
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