30 очень-очень простых модулей. Сложила все буквально за час на работе. Получилась милая радужная гусеничка. Но оказалось, что самое проблематичное в этой модели - сборка. Сначала решила сложить изнаночный вариант - убила на него где-то часа 2. Но он мне не очень понравился. Поэтому встал вопрос: оставить так и не мучаться, или все же разобрать и собрать еще раз лицевой стороной. В итоге все же сегодня с утра со свежими силами решилась на повторную сборку. И не зря - результат получился гораздо лучше.
30 modules very easy to fold. I've made all of them in an hour. They came out in such a lovely caterpillar. But it turned out that assembling is the hardest thing for this model. At first I decided to make an inverse variant of this kusudama - and spent more than two hours for this. But I didn't like the result. So the question arose: should I just leave it as it is or spent another many hours taking it to pieces and then assembling it again in the front version. So today in the morning I finally decided to redo it. And I don't regret as I like the result a lot.
30 modules very easy to fold. I've made all of them in an hour. They came out in such a lovely caterpillar. But it turned out that assembling is the hardest thing for this model. At first I decided to make an inverse variant of this kusudama - and spent more than two hours for this. But I didn't like the result. So the question arose: should I just leave it as it is or spent another many hours taking it to pieces and then assembling it again in the front version. So today in the morning I finally decided to redo it. And I don't regret as I like the result a lot.
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